UFO Photographs from Colfax (Wisconsin)

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  • Sheenky Oo
    00 17/10/2012 18:36
    Fonte: www.openminds.tv/ufo-photographs-from-colfax-wisconsin/

    The following UFO photos are from the archives of Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, and the accompanying details have been reproduced as close to the original sighting report as possible.

    19 April 1978, Colfax, Wisconsin
    On Wednesday 19 April 1978, Mr. S. (name witheld (sic) by specific request) and his girlfriend were driving in the vicinity of Tainter Lake, when they decided to stop and attempt some fishing since most of the ice was already thawed.
    They found a spot along the shore where they could do some casting. Mr. S. had also brought along an FM portable radio. They had been at this spot for about a half an hour when the radio began picking up interference. It was then that Mr. S. looked up into the sky, thinking an airplane must be going over-head.
    At that point the object “appeared” out of the southwest, moving northeast. He and his girlfriend became very excited and frightened. Remembering that they had a camera with them, (an Instamatic) Mr. S. went and got it to take some pictures. He almost dropped it several times trying to get it out of the case. He finally got it out and started to point it at the object when the object suddenly veered off course in their direction and came towards them. They became even more frightened but Mr. S. was determined to get a photograph of the thing!
    At that point, the object began to circle them at a high altitude as Mr. S. began taking pictures. The object flew around the area only once and then disappeared into the sunlight. The whole incident lasted about 3 or 4 minutes.
    Mr. S. was hesitant about showing anyone the photos because he was afraid of people thinking the wrong thing. He finally sent a UFO lecturer a copy after attending one of his slide lectures on the UFO subject.
    Mr. S. was unable to determine the size of the object for lack of reference, or how fast it was moving. He did say, however, that it gave off a “crackling sound” as it passed around them.
    From personal letter:

    Photo #1: Shows the object moments after it veered off its original course. Mr. S. said it slowed down considerably after he took the first picture. He said he had “the feeling it knew it was being photographed”

    Photo #2: The object is moving slower now as it begins to make its pass. At this point Mr. S. and girlfriend grew apprehensive. Both experienced extreme fear.

    Photo #3: The object tilts as it begins a “roller coaster” type descent. Mr. S. and friend become increasingly frightened. He has the feeling it is going to “get them”.

    Photo #4: The object has leveled off and is just above the treetop height. It begins moving toward Mr. S. at a slow gliding pace. No sound comes from the object but Mr. S. remembers he left his transistor radio on and it is “buzzing” and “crackling like crazy”.

    Photo #5: Mr. S. turns his camera sideways to get this shot of the object as it passes almost directly overhead. At this point Mr. S. experienced a sensation of “heat” as well as “prickling sensation” around and “in” his head and eyes, however Mr. S. stated that he experienced no permenant or temporary after-effects except a bad case of the “jitters”. This shot was taken while Mr. S. was in a crouched position and remembers falling over on his back afterwards. He said he noticed an “amber or orange-red light” underneath in addition to several small lights which would blink on and off erratically for different lengths of time. (See Photograph) He also noticed 4 “pods” or “landing gear”. The bottom appeared to be a “dull” black. The shock of falling backwards prevented him from taking any more pictures of the object as it continued overhead.

    Photo #6: The object has now climbed back up into the sky as Mr. S. shoots this picture.

    Photo #7: Shows the object heading into the sun. At this point it began to pick up speed and soon was lost in the sunlight. Mr. S. took 9 pictures in all, only these 7 turned out.

    The Colfax UFO Case Drawing.

    Post: 199
    Registrato il: 29/11/2011
    Città: ROMA
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    Utente Junior
    00 18/10/2012 11:50
    certo che è incredibile come cambia il design degli ufo con il passare degli anni... [SM=g27988]
    eone nero
    Post: 3.562
    Registrato il: 23/07/2011
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    Utente Master
    00 18/10/2012 14:59
    Inutile dire che Wendelle Stevens veniva considerato un Hoaxer, a lui dobbiamo anche un libro sul caso dell'UFO Crash Atzec (logicamente rivelatosi un clamoroso falso)





    Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.
  • zambu83
    00 18/10/2012 19:16
    Ragazzi,sono veramente stufo di vedere solo bottoni....così è deprimente!....Ah,ho capito....è tutto un gombloddo per farmi passare la voglia di ufologia....maledetti debunkers! [SM=g27989] .... [SM=g10218]
    eone nero
    Post: 3.562
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    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Master
    00 18/10/2012 20:05
    zambu83, 18/10/2012 19.16:

    Ragazzi,sono veramente stufo di vedere solo bottoni....così è deprimente!....Ah,ho capito....è tutto un gombloddo per farmi passare la voglia di ufologia....maledetti debunkers! [SM=g27989] .... [SM=g10218]

    Questo potrebbe essere anche il coperchio di un bidone della spazzatura, o una pattana auto [SM=g10191]


    Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.
    Post: 199
    Registrato il: 29/11/2011
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 40
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Junior
    00 19/10/2012 16:45
    eone nero, 18/10/2012 20:05:

    Questo potrebbe essere anche il coperchio di un bidone della spazzatura, o una pattana auto [SM=g10191]

    pensate che io a 12 anni feci un mio fake..

    presi un sottovaso lo lanciai in aria e sfruttando il flash mi è venuto fuori un disco illuminato che vola... se volete posto la foto che era venuta uno spettacolo [SM=g27987]

    [Modificato da Francesco84751 19/10/2012 16:46]
    eone nero
    Post: 3.562
    Registrato il: 23/07/2011
    Sesso: Maschile
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    00 19/10/2012 19:23
    Francesco84751, 19/10/2012 16:45:

    pensate che io a 12 anni feci un mio fake..

    presi un sottovaso lo lanciai in aria e sfruttando il flash mi è venuto fuori un disco illuminato che vola... se volete posto la foto che era venuta uno spettacolo [SM=g27987]

    Manda cosa aspetti? [SM=g27985]


    Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.
    Post: 722
    Registrato il: 06/06/2011
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Senior
    00 19/10/2012 22:31
    Credo che abbiano fatto tutti così...
    Le foto del passato sono molto simili tra loro.

    Esistono solo 10 tipi di persone: quelle che conoscono il codice binario e quelle che non lo conoscono.
    eone nero
    Post: 3.562
    Registrato il: 23/07/2011
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Master
    00 20/10/2012 13:30
    Hybrid1973, 19/10/2012 22:31:

    Credo che abbiano fatto tutti così...
    Le foto del passato sono molto simili tra loro.

    Purtroppo la storia ufologica è costellata da miriadi di falsi, come dimenticare casi clamorosi come quello di Gulf Breeze, o il Caso Ummo?


    Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.
    eone nero
    Post: 3.562
    Registrato il: 23/07/2011
    Sesso: Maschile
    Utente Master
    00 20/10/2012 14:22
    Interessante il fatto si conosca il nome del poliziotto che fotografò l'UFO, Mark Coltrane.

    Che Openminds per non smentirsi abbia dato un tocco di ulteriore sensazionalismo?

    Source: Wendelle Stevens (credit: UFOs at Close Sight (Ufologie.net)

    On April 19, 1978, police officer Mark Coltrane was on patrol in the vicinity of Colfax, a small town with a thousands of inhabitants in Wisconsin, USA. At midday, he decided to stop the car to eat something, in a small isolated area. He noted that his radio was emitting crackles.

    He then noticed a metalic looking disc raising towards the the sky at a short distance from the parking space.

    While the object seemed to move towards him, Coltrane picked up his Polaroid camera, came out of the car and snapped some photographs. The object was so close in one of the images that it is possible to notice some details of its lower surface.

    In [the second] photograph the object is starting to move away.

    The total observation lasted a few minutes, the object being being lost from his sight when it accelerated and fled in the distance.

    Coltrane, shocked by the sighting, remained in amazement for two hours without saying anything, by fear of being ridiculed when he would have to submit his report to his chiefs.


    Le foto negli articoli del 2004 di Ufologie.net e del mirror Patrickgross.


    [Modificato da eone nero 20/10/2012 14:23]

    Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.